姓 名:唐东 职 称:讲师 电子邮件:17799301973@163.com
[1]Dong Tang, Yongli Zhao, et al. Research on the adsorption capacity between asphaltene and resin in asphalt with different aging degree: Experimental study and quantummechanical calculation[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production.(一区)
[2]Dong Tang, Yongli Zhao, et al. Research on low-temperature and fatigue properties of recycled asphalt based on the stability of the micelle structure[J]. Construction and Building Materials.(一区)
[3] Dong Tang, Yongli Zhao, et al. Microstructure of Virgin, aged and recycled asphalt based on small-angle X-ray scattering[J]. Construction and Building Materials.(一区)
[4]Dong Tang, Yongli Zhao, et al. Microstructure of virgin and aged asphalts by small-angle X-ray scattering[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials.(一区)
[5]Dong Tang, Yongli Zhao. Effects of Electronic Waste Powder on Asphalt Binder Properties[J]. Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils.(四区)
[6]Dongdong Han, Dong Tang, et al.Measurement accuracy evaluation and optimization of embedded strain sensor for asphalt mixture: laboratory tests and finite element simulation[J]. Smart Materials and Structures.(三区)
[1] 吉林省交通厅项目:公路沥青路面厂拌热再生技术规范化施工技术研究(B521008388),参与。